Tests for Specific Health Issues


IMPORTANT NEWS: We have formed a partnership with Rupa Health, a company that makes the entire USA hormone testing process much easier. Rupa Health now manages the ordering and shipment of our tests as well as the delivery to you of the test results. To learn more about our partnership with Rupa Health and its benefits for you, click here.

While our partnership with Rupa Health is new, everything else remains the same. We still offer the same hormone tests from ZRT Laboratory and sell them to you at prices that are below suggested retail prices. While you will be paying Rupa Health for your hormone tests, we will receive a commission from each order. This allows us to keep JohnLeeMD.com on the Internet so we can continue serving you with all the free information we offer. So please keep coming back to us for your hormone testing needs. We need and deeply appreciate your business!


Have you ever felt confused over what tests you should take to help you with a health problem you have? If so, you’ve come to the right place!

This web page recommends the best test kits for you to take if you have any of the health issues listed below. These test kits give you important information you need to make the best possible treatment decisions about your health issue. Each test kit measures the specific hormones and biomarkers that play pivotal roles in your health challenge. Each kit provides complete test results and a written interpretation of the results that anyone – not just doctors – can understand and act upon. That empowers you to get at the causes of your health challenge and learn what you can do to overcome it. Just click on any of the links below to learn about the best tests for you to take!

Over time, we will add more health issues to this page along with the best tests to take for each issue. Keep checking this page for new health issues and tests!

Rupa Health cannot sell or ship hormone tests to customers outside the United States. If you live outside the United States, please email us at info@johnleemd.com and we will give you information about how you can order tests.

Our partnership with Rupa Health lets us offer ALL of our hormone tests to you! You can order our tests and take them with confidence, knowing that your order will be fulfilled.

Sleep Disorders

If you get six hours or less of sleep per night, you are probably suffering from sleep deprivation. Sadly, this disorder puts you at risk for depression, obesity, diabetes, and other health problems like anxiety, insomnia, and excessive fatigue.

The two hormones that play central roles in sleep are cortisol, the master stress hormone, and melatonin, the master sleep hormone. Each hormone counterbalances the other in a precise rhythm. When cortisol is high, melatonin should be low, and when melatonin is high, cortisol should be low. When this rhythm is out of balance, sleep disorders are a consequence.

The following test kits can help you identify hormonal imbalances that may be causing your sleep deprivation. Each kit measures specific hormones related to sleep over the course of the day. The test results include an interpretation that will help you understand the hormone imbalances you have and what you can do about them.

  • ZRT Laboratory, Sleep Balance, UDH II, cortisol, melatonin, cortisone, insomnia, fatigue, sleep disorders

    Sleep Balance / Urine Diurnal Hormones II (UDH II) - Dried Urine Test

    This is a great test for people suffering from insomnia and sleep-wake cycle disorders. It reveals whether Melatonin and Cortisol are your hidden barrier to restful sleep. It measures Cortisol and Melatonin, and also Cortisone and Creatinine, at 4 times points across one day, providing a true 24-hour sleep-wake pattern. The tests in this profile include: Free Cortisol x 4, Free Cortisone x 4, Melatonin x 4, and Creatinine x 4, in dried urine.

    PRICE: $249.07
    (Includes all JohnLeeMD.com and Rupa Health fees, except shipping)

  • ZRT Laboratory, Cortisol, saliva test, sleep disorders, insomnia, fatigue

    Cortisol Awakening Response Profile - Saliva Test

    This is our most thorough assessment of Cortisol levels across the day using highly accurate saliva testing. To assess the response capacity of the HPA axis, this test includes 6 small tubes for collecting saliva samples at waking, 30 mins after, 60 minutes after, noon, evening and night.

    PRICE: $213.22
    (Includes all JohnLeeMD.com and Rupa Health fees, except shipping)

  • ZRT Laboratory, Adrenal Stress Profile, saliva test, cortisol, DHEA, sleep disorders, insomnia, fatigue

    Adrenal Stress Profile - Saliva Test

    This is our best comprehensive assessment of adrenal gland function. Recommended with excessive stress, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, and allergies; indicator of immune function. The saliva tests in this profile include: DHEA-S (DS) and Cortisol in the morning (C1), noon (C2), evening (C3), and night (C4).

    PRICE: $159.46
    (Includes all JohnLeeMD.com and Rupa Health fees, except shipping)

Weight Loss & Weight Management

Many of us know from experience that maintaining an ideal weight is difficult despite our best efforts with diet and exercise. What we may not know is that undetected hormone imbalances can be the missing link – sabotaging our hard work to stay slim. Hormones are key players in regulating weight, metabolism, blood sugar, insulin, and when and where the body stores fat. As we age, shifting hormones trigger numerous symptoms of imbalance – including unexplained weight gain.

The following test kits are specifically designed to help you identify hormonal imbalances that may be undermining your weight management efforts. The test results you will receive include an interpretation of the results that you can use to help you reach your weight management goals.

  • ZRT Laboratory, Weight Management Profile, weight loss, blood spot test, thyroid, insulin, vitamin D, estradiol, progesterone, cortisol, testosterone

    Weight Management Profile - Blood Spot + Saliva Test

    This profile detects imbalances in the reproductive and thyroid hormones, and also measures Vitamin D levels. Imbalances and deficiencies in these biomarkers are linked to weight gain, obesity, and difficulty maintaining weight. It also provides early detection of insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and Type 2 diabetes. The tests in this profile include:
    - In Blood Spot. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), Insulin (In), Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), Vitamin D2 (D2), Vitamin D3 (D3), and Total Vitamin D.
     - In Saliva. Estradiol (E2), Progesterone (Pg), Progesterone/Estradiol Ratio (Pg/E2), Testosterone (T), DHEA-S (DS), and Cortisol tested in the morning (C1), noon (C2), evening (C3), and night (C4).

    PRICE: $334.67
    (Includes all JohnLeeMD.com and Rupa Health fees, except shipping)

  • ZRT Laboratory, Weight Management Profile, weight loss, blood spot test, thyroid, insulin, vitamin D, estradiol, progesterone, cortisol, testosterone

    Weight Management Profile + Thyroid - Blood Spot + Saliva Test

    This profile detects hormonal imbalances, thyroid, and Vitamin D deficiencies linked to weight gain, obesity, and difficulty maintaining weight. It provides early detection of insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and Type 2 diabetes.
    ADDITIONAL BLOOD SPOT TESTS provide better estimation of thyroid hormone levels.
    The tests in this profile include:
    - In Blood Spot. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), free Triiodothyronine (fT3), free Thyroxine (fT4), Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody (TPOab), Insulin (In), Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), Vitamin D2 (D2), Vitamin D3 (D3), and Total Vitamin D.
     - In Saliva. Estradiol (E2), Progesterone (Pg), Progesterone/Estradiol Ratio (Pg/E2), Testosterone (T), DHEA-S (DS), and Cortisol tested in the morning (C1), noon (C2), evening (C3), and night (C4).

    PRICE: $389.51
    (Includes all JohnLeeMD.com and Rupa Health fees, except shipping)