Audio & Video Recordings by Dr. John Lee

Dr. Lee loved to speak about hormones and health, and he was an excellent speaker. He travelled the world to speak with women, physicians, and anyone else who was open to his message. Though Dr. Lee passed away in 2003, we still get emails from people who heard him and tell us they will never forget the day he spoke with them.

If you weren't able to attend one of Dr. Lee's talks, these audio and video recordings are the next best thing to being there. Dr. Lee's talks were clear, easy to understand, and often humorous introductions to the topic of how hormones work. They were also full of excellent advice on how to use progesterone and other bioidentical hormones to improve our health in ways that are safe and natural.

Over time, we will keep posting new audio and video recordings to this page, so please visit frequently to see what new content we have to offer!

John Lee M.D. Audio Recordings

If you’ve never heard Dr. Lee speak before, you’re in for a treat. Just click on the “play” buttons below and enjoy!

Once an audio clip is playing, you can click on the “pause” button to pause the audio at any point. You will also see a shaded area that moves from left to right across the title of the audio clip as it is playing. If you hover your mouse pointer over the line where the shaded area stops and the unshaded area begins, the pointer will turn into a two-sided arrow. When that happens, hold down your mouse button and move your mouse to the right or left to go forward or backward in the audio clip.

In this brilliant talk, Dr. Lee explains why many physicians and the healthcare industry don’t understand and support his approach to health. It’s because they look at the human body and at medicine differently than he does. To put it another way, they have a different medical metaphor. Listen and discover a whole new way of seeing medicine and your health!
To learn more about Dr. Lee’s safe, natural way of doing medicine, go to our Books section to order his books! You can also go to our Articles section where we offer dozens of Dr. Lee’s writings on a wide range of topics.

In this brilliant talk, Dr. Lee explains why many physicians and the healthcare industry don’t understand and support his approach to health. It’s because they look at the human body and at medicine differently than he does. To put it another way, they have a different medical metaphor. Listen and discover a whole new way of seeing medicine and your health!
To learn more about Dr. Lee’s safe, natural way of doing medicine, go to our Books section to order his books! You can also go to our Articles section where we offer dozens of Dr. Lee’s writings on a wide range of topics.

How does the disease-oriented model of medicine affect how doctors treat the symptoms of menopause? In this audio clip, Dr. Lee answers that question and shows how the current medical metaphor makes it harder for women to learn about and choose progesterone and other bioidentical hormones to treat menopausal symptoms.
To learn more about hormones and natural hormone replacement therapy, go to our Books section to order Dr. Lee’s books! You can also go to our Articles section where we offer dozens of Dr. Lee’s writings on a wide range of topics.

“It is my firm belief that our doctors need to be reeducated in the realities of their female patients’ hormone matters, and now that it is acknowledged that conventional HRT may be harmful and ineffective, there’s a better chance that they’ll listen. There is no teaching force for doctors more formidable or effective than knowledgeable, intelligent, assertive women.”

— John R. Lee, M.D.

John Lee M.D. Videos

This is your chance to sit in on a speech by Dr. Lee and see why his research is still so relevant today. Just click on the “play” button in the middle of each video. Once the video is running, just hover your mouse over the screen to access the controls. You can pause the video, adjust the volume, expand the video to “full screen” mode, and move forward and backward inside the clip.

About Dr. Lee – The Great Doctor and Author

In his wonderful unassuming way, Dr. Lee opens this talk with a short biography of himself. He also reveals an important thing he did to ensure he had no conflicts of interest when writing his books about hormones. Learn more about this amazing doctor and author!

What Is Progesterone?

Prepare to be informed and amused at the same time by Dr. Lee’s introduction to progesterone, as well as estrogen and testosterone. Once you’ve heard this, you won’t forget what these hormones do!
To learn more about hormones and natural hormone replacement therapy, go to our Books section to order Dr. Lee’s books! You can also go to our Articles section where we offer dozens of Dr. Lee’s writings on a wide range of topics. We also welcome you to take our free Hormone Balance Test to find out if you may have a hormone imbalance and if so, what to do about it.

Progesterone – What It Does and How It Helps Us

In this video, Dr. Lee gives us a glimpse into the dozens of remarkable things progesterone does in our bodies. He also compares progesterone’s effects to those of estrogen. This is an excellent introduction to Dr. Lee’s hormone research.
To learn more about hormones and natural hormone replacement therapy, go to our Books section to order Dr. Lee’s books! You can also go to our Articles section where we offer dozens of Dr. Lee’s writings on a wide range of topics. We also welcome you to take our free Hormone Balance Test to find out if you may have a hormone imbalance and if so, what to do about it.